Exploring the Great Arc/ A guided hike experience

Exploring the Great Arc/ A guided hike experience

Date: 20 Sep, 2016 - 23 Sep, 2016, Community: Miller Lake
Category: Arts & Heritage, Culinary (Food & Wine), Outdoor

Opening and Closing Times:
Check-in is after 4:00 pm
Check-out is at 1:00 pm

Admission Fees: Yes (fees charged)
Adminssion Price: $

Join expert geoscientist Daryl Cowell and Anishnabe storyteller and poet, Lenore Keeshig, to explore the many geological wonders and historical perspectives of the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve on the Bruce Peninsula.

This is a 3.5 day, fully inclusive, guided experience that will delight you with exciting geological discoveries, intriguing Native history and some tantalizing culinary surprises! You will receive exclusive access to seldom visited geological sites and one-on-one walks and talks with experts in their field.

Venue Name: Hosted by Summer House Park

Address: 197 Miller Lake Shore Road
Address: Miller Lake

Phone: 1-800-265-5557

Email: darci@summerhousepark.ca

Website: http://summerhousepark.ca/packages-retreats/geo-tour-exploring-the-great-arc.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SummerHousePark/