Thursday Flicks : The Father

Thursday Flicks : The Father

Date: 23 Sep, 2021, Community: Meaford
Category: Arts & Heritage

Opening and Closing Times: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. 
Admission Fees: Yes (fees charged)
Adminssion Price: $10.00

Sept 23- The Father. Tickets are $10. Having just scared off his recent caregiver, Anthony, an ailing, octogenarian Londoner gradually succumbing to dementia, feels abandoned when concerned Anne, his daughter, tells him she's moving to Paris. Confused and upset, against the backdrop of a warped perspective and his rapid, heart-rending mental decline, Anthony is starting to lose his grip on reality, struggling to navigate the opaque landscape of present and past. Now, as faded memories and glimpses of lucidity trigger sudden mood swings, dear ones, Anthony's surroundings, and even time itself become distorted. Why has his younger daughter stopped visiting? Who are the strangers that burst in on Anthony? Rated PG-13. 1h37m. TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE.

Venue Name: Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre

Address: 12 Nelson St. E.
Address: Meaford

Phone: 519.538.0463 or 1.877.538.0463

