Stanley cup Leafs Vs. Montreal 1967

Date: 30 May, 2019, Community: Collingwood
Category: Family, Sports

Opening and Closing Times:
Doors Open at 7pm
FIlm starts at 8 pm

Admission Fees: Yes (fees charged)
Adminssion Price: $

This year is the year that the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley cup! Only at the Historic Gayety theatre. Ok, well technically it was 1967. We have for your veiwing pleasure the film in its entirety of the Leafs seventh game win of the Stanley Cup in 1967. The winners in 67 were the Leafs, but the winners in 2019 will be the Collingwood and Meaford Hospitals.

Venue Name: The Historic Gayety Theatre

Address: 161 Hurontario Street
Address: Collingwood

Phone: 888-353-3203



Event Location
